Who are we?

The Patsy T. Mink PAC is a grassroots political network dedicated to raising early money for progressive Pro-Choice Democratic Women candidates for state offices. The PAC is unique and has an ambitious goal. We want to develop, support and nurture women to be good candidates and we want to help them win. We believe that electing progressive Pro-choice Democratic women at the state level will prepare women to run for federal and national office. More often than not, men and women who run for higher office come from the ranks of state elected officials.

A woman's right to choose is at greater risk than it has ever been since the Supreme Court's landmark decision of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Pro-choice victories of the past are continuously under attack.

The Bush Administration placed anti-choice officials in key positions in the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services, proposed restrictions on contraceptive funding and access, and supported new laws defining legal "personhood" as beginning at the time of conception.

The Bush Republicans engaged in a sustained assault on the right to choose and advances for women, aided by anti-choice members of Congress.

In 1970, Hawai`i became the first state in the nation to legalize abortion, three years before Roe v. Wade. However, Hawai`i is not immune from anti-choice attack. Bills designed to limit a woman's right to reproductive freedom and access to health care have been introduced time and again in our legislature.

During the 2008-2010 legislative session, Democratic women occupied only 13 House seats and 8 Senate seats in our 76-member legislature. Nationally, after thirty years of small gains, the number of women in state legislatures has leveled off in the last decade.

Women elected to office bring a unique perspective and advocacy on behalf of women and families. Important issues and policies that affect women and families, such as education, economic and employment opportunities, reproductive choice, child care, health care, freedom from violence and personal safety, must be legislative priorities.

Progressive Democratic pro-choice women must be elected to State offices to ensure that these vital issues are addressed.

What does it take to ensure economic equality for women, reproductive choice, and a community free from domestic violence and sexual assault?

It takes effective women advocates in our legislature.

What does it take to elect effective women advocates?

It takes the commitment, steadfast support, and financial resources of people like you.